Which will feature plentiful white allocation during sex

Sexual characteristic secretion of women serves as a powerful indicator of your health. Assignment during sex is a phenomenon, nature itself. This process is quite complicated. To understand where the norm, and where pathology, it is necessary to have something that kind of knowledge. In some cases, it pays to be cautious and consult a doctor for advice, and sometimes allocation states that the health of all in order.


Characteristics of assignments when excited

When intimacy more often the vagina moisturized. And the more intensifies the sexual attraction of a partner, the more intense stands out lubricant. It is colorless mucus, odorless.

As a rule, the women stands about 5 ml of lubricant in the day. With a build-up of arousal secret begins produced with the more intense. This is achieved thanks to the influx of blood to the vaginal wall, and stimulation of sexual glands. Assignment during sex are scarce or abundant. Typically, the more lubrication it stands out, at the time of the peak of pleasure.

Similar secret performs several important functions, it allows you to:

  • to make sex more comfortable, facilitating the introduction and the slide;
  • minimize contact with alien life forms, that way the protection against germs and infections.

The lubricant also helps to create a suitable environment for the sperm count during the time period. This increases the chances of conception.

White liquid

Often, women notice about yourself during sex white allocation of a thick consistency, similar to cream. In the forums of medical affairs, usually, no one really can not give a distinct explanation of a similar phenomenon. Many recommend to go to the clinic and examined in infections. But experienced doctors claim that the white abundant accent to the sexual act should not scare you.

If the secret is different consistency is homogeneous, has no smell and is not accompanied by itching or burning, there is no reason to sound the alarm. Gynecologists explain that this mucus is secreted in certain days of the menstrual cycle. Hormones change all the time, the estrogen is becoming something more, or less. Similar substances as responsible for the recent character of the mucus.

The lubrication is produced not only the vagina, but also removed, such the secret is called cervical fluid. Through it the sperm cells enter the egg. In other words, it is a repository for the seed, allowing it to survive in an acid environment, inherent to the vagina.

The phase of the menstrual cycle

Description of mucus released from the vagina, depends on at which stage it occurred to the sexual act. At the beginning of the cycle of secrecy a little bit, it is transparent and is different from watered-down consistency. During this period, the mucus is a kind of barrier, which is formed in the cervical canal. This tube delays pathogenic, not allowing them to enter in the womb.

With the approach of the period of ovulation, the level of the hormone increases, which has impact on the body, including the sexual system. At this time an abundant selection when intimacy — is a common phenomenon. The vaginal mucus also acquires a viscous texture and becomes alkaline. These charges are the lubricant is left with the smell of egg white or cream.

When ovulation passes, the vaginal secret stands out in a smaller quantity. According to the particularity of sexual mucus can understand what is the stage of fertility, and can conceive a baby. Wanting to understand, that time is the most suitable for the fertilization, the need to pay attention to the nature of the vaginal mucus:

the causes allocation of mucus
  • The scarce allocation is usually seen before monthly and after them. The dryness of the vagina it is said that fertilization is not possible.
  • Viscosity, quickly withered on the fingers, indicates that the sperm of a little chance of survival.
  • Similar to cream of mucus means the approximation of the ovulation period. At this point the possibility of pregnancy increases.
  • Filiform allocation of white color, resembling a protein, indicate a high probability of conception.

After ovulation, estrogen decreases, resulting in cervical fluid loses its ability to conservation of the seed. In the character of lubrication can affect other factors:

  • violation of hormonal;
  • frequent stress;
  • of medicines;
  • infectious diseases;
  • allergy;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • disease of the feet.

If the lubricant is allocated in time of intimacy, in large quantity, this does not mean that the health problems. To determine the amount of mucus, the probability of conception, it is necessary to introduce two fingers deep into her vagina, pull them out and assess the net. Vaginal can be a useful method only in the absence of pathologies, gynaecological.

Many times, the strong sexual selection show bacterial vaginosis. They may be yellowish, greenish or off-white tone. The liquid emits the smell of rotten fish. When intimacy can bother the itching and burning sensation.

White mucus like cheese consistency with the smell of yoghurt in the majority of the time is a symptom of pick up frequently (candidiasis). Foul Odor of allocation during sexual intercourse may indicate the presence of sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia.

If, after the sexual contact, some women may experience a lot of lubrication, this secretion may be caused by a mixture of secretions from the vagina and male sperm. Many times, this mix is different than the yellowish tint and emits the smell of egg white. Typically, the liquid is not to no discomfort.

Abundant allocation of time proximity may be related to the female hypersensitivity. So, this phenomenon is not a pathology. A small amount of lubricant during sexual intercourse may indicate changes in the acid-base balance or impaired microflora. Sometimes, the lubrication, there is not much, the most common reason for this dryness is hormonal post-failure.

Intimate hygiene

For the strong selection not tormented, they must respect the simple rules for intimate hygiene. It is important to regularly take a shower, by applying, to the purification of the genital organs of special formulations. Such a tool can be purchased in any pharmacy, they help to maintain the normal microbiota and reduce the risk of picking up with frequency.

Then, during the intimacy of the vagina, the highlights of the mucus due to the work the sex glands. In the absence of pathologies liquid of white color may indicate the approach of an ovulation period. You need to pay attention to the nature of the secretion and the change of its color, odor and consistency at different times.


If it bothers itching or burning, it is best to visit a doctor and undergo necessary tests. This will reveal the true reason uncomfortable sensations and resolve the problem.